Sunday, September 24, 2006

We Are Still Alive

We've just been a little busy. I was away for a week for work training and Jesse was busy helping Jared remodel his house. That's all. We'll post more later. I'm going to bed, I'm sleepy.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

And in other news this is sadly funny

Polygamist Jeffs Moved to UtahTo Face Charges
Meanwhile, in Beverly Hills, Hugh Hefner (right) celebrates his half-birthday.


Melissa and I consolidated our insurance yesterday. I wanted to add her to my AAA policy, so I called the AAA people and tried to get a quote. The first thing I had to do was give them the song and dance that confirms that I am who I say I am. It turns out that they still had me living in New York, and the fact that I was living in Fremont was going to save me $8 every year. Fantastic.

They don't have a current membership for me, they say I never renewed. Despite that I have a receipt for renewal with a confirmation number and everything, in addition to the card that says I'm a member until May 2007. Also wonderful.

After going over that for ten minutes or so I got a quote to add Melissa and her 1999 standard V6 baseline Mustang which is driven maybe twice a week. It was going to be for her alone over double what I currently pay, bringing us up to three hundred and something every month.

I am now insured by Progressive.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


I love waking up at 3:00 a.m. and working for 15 hours straight...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Benji is Here!

We have a new pet! It's another goldfish. He is a Black Moor (the ones with bulging eyes) and his name is Benji. He is TINY compared to all of our fancy goldfish.

Our other Black Moor, named Max, is so big now that his bulging eyes giggle as he swims.