Moving: It's been a month and a half since we first moved into our new house and it seems like we are 95% moved in. Moving in seems to take longer than moving out!! We just need to put up a few decorations and rearrange a few more items and we should be done. It's been difficult since I can move around too much and I get easily tired being 8 months pregnant and all.
Dogs: Rocky and Apollo love their new place. They have an enormous backyard compared to their cement patio in our old town house. Lots of new smells and they (primarily Rocky) have learned how to dig...something I do NOT like, especially on a white dog. So now they have supervised visits to the back yard everyday, and they go for long walks around the neighborhood. Rocky has become an escape artist from the backyard too, so another reason why they have supervised backyard visits.
Jesse: Is having an great time at his new job. I don't ask for too much detail on what he does. Even though it's super exciting for him doing electrical engineering, I don't really understand it.
Jesse was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea (not breathing while sleeping) a few weeks ago. His oxygen levels would drop down to dangerous levels so now (for the past 2 nights) he has been sleeping with a CPAP. A CPAP is pretty much a air mask that forces air down your throat so the oxygen level stays normal and your body can rest. So far so good, Jesse feels more rested than usual and I can sleep without worrying about him not gasping for air in the middle of the night. He kind of sounds like Darth Vader if he tries to talk with the mask on.
Melissa: As for me, I will be 36 weeks pregnant on Monday, technically I will have a full-term baby and I'm good to go at any time. My hip pain has improved, meaning less pain but pain none the less. The baby is still moving around like crazy even though the books and doctors say the baby is supposed to start slowing down since there isn't enough room anymore. My baby doesn't want to obey and keeps on making himself at home causing me more stretch marks that I've ever imagined.
His nursery is almost done and I've been cleaning/arranging the house everyday until I have it to my standards. My hospital bag is mostly packed just need a few more items and the baby bag is 99% done. I'm also excited that Jesse will be able to take 3 weeks off when we have baby David and it will overlap with Christmas so I'm awfully excited to have him home for that long. By the way we are naming our baby David Aaron. "David" because in the Bible King David is the son of Jesse and "Aaron" because he was the brother of Moses and also because those names are easy to say in English and in Spanish.
As for being pregnant, it sucks. There's nothing much more to say than that, but I'd do it a few more times. The one thing I miss the most is exercising, real exercising, running, weightlifting, hiking just being able to work up a sweat. Hopefully in a month or two I can start doing a few of those again.