Tuesday, March 27, 2007


We haven't posted in a while. Things have been going better for us. I (Melissa) am starting to feel a lot better. I haven't taking any drugs for a while. Still a little stiffness in my neck but overall I'm feeling a hundred times better. I even started to work out again, yeah!

Jesse's been feeling a little sick lately, but he's happy I'm feeling better. We are both happy because it seems like our noisy, pot-smoking downstairs neighbor has moved out. So no more weed smoke coming into my house.

We are going to San Diego in a couple of weeks for Jesse's cousins wedding and then we are driving to Las Vegas to have some fun. Jesse's never been to Vegas and I love it there so we should have a lot of fun.

Rocky is enjoying his new haircut. He got shaved and now he can see through the hairs around his eyes. Now we can see his eyes and we've noticed that he has sort of a lazy left eye.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dear Mr. President...

I work for the government. I have worked in the private sector in the past and it’s a WHOLE different world than the government. I only have two things to say:

1) I've had my job for over three years now, (my longest and first real job ever) and a few weeks ago and I was thanked for doing something good. I was taught that in the government to never expect to be appreciated or thanked for doing something good, but that if you are noticed by your superiors it was because you did something wrong. I was thanked and it made my day, which is pretty sad if you really think about it.

2) There is so much irony in the government that it just makes me laugh. Some irony is good and other irony is bad, but today the government irony went my way it was good, real good.

I’ve been having a tough time at work for a few months due to my car accident, other dumb issues and having to work too much, but overall I think things are going to get better.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I got a new bass yesterday. The Peavey Millenium 5 AC BXP, it's a five string with some 'active' pickups, so I get even heavier notes and more punch, it's pretty cool. It's the red kind and it lives in a coffin case - now it needs a name.

Any ideas?

Friday, March 02, 2007

Dog Tricks

Rocky can now play dead if you point at him and say *bang.* It's pretty funny.