Tuesday, March 27, 2007


We haven't posted in a while. Things have been going better for us. I (Melissa) am starting to feel a lot better. I haven't taking any drugs for a while. Still a little stiffness in my neck but overall I'm feeling a hundred times better. I even started to work out again, yeah!

Jesse's been feeling a little sick lately, but he's happy I'm feeling better. We are both happy because it seems like our noisy, pot-smoking downstairs neighbor has moved out. So no more weed smoke coming into my house.

We are going to San Diego in a couple of weeks for Jesse's cousins wedding and then we are driving to Las Vegas to have some fun. Jesse's never been to Vegas and I love it there so we should have a lot of fun.

Rocky is enjoying his new haircut. He got shaved and now he can see through the hairs around his eyes. Now we can see his eyes and we've noticed that he has sort of a lazy left eye.


Marla Bean said...

Checking-in on you guys. Glad you're feeling better. More photos of Rocky would make everyone happier. :)

Mark said...

Now remember no gambling

Jackson said...

If you have the time you should give my mom a call and let her know you'll be in Vegas. I'm sure she'd like to have dinner with you some night or something. Heck, you may even get some free lodging. She lives 5 minutes from the strip and has a big house with more rooms than she knows what to do with. She has taken to decorating one with various dog paraphanelia.