Wednesday, November 05, 2008

My New Job

I have a new job! I start December 1st. I will work at a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) Firm called Friedman and Perry here in Fremont. I will give more details later but I'm so glad that I will be leaving the government soon. Once I have left the government I will give my opinion about what it meant for me to be working for the government and describe some truths and non-truths about the government. Overall, I'm glad and sad to be leaving, but I am mostly glad. Only 13 more working days here!



Mark said...

Hey Melissa,

Congratulations on your new job. Raeann is going to bible study tonight first time in a long time.


Mikey G said...

Congrats on leaving the public sector... of course it is my ambition to enter the public school system. We'll see how that works.

Janelle said...

I am so happy for you! Hooray for being able to leaving a job you don't like and that sucks the life out of you. Praying for you!