Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I went to the dentist this morning because one of my teeth hurt when I bit down on it. My dentist told me that my tooth seemed like it was starting to die. Apparently I had a larger than normal nerve in my tooth which was very close to the surface of my tooth, that was nicked by a previous dentist when filling a previous cavity. It just takes years for the nerve to die, and apparently it wants to cause me pain before I go to Peru. My dentist said that if I wasn't going to Peru in a week that he wouldn't not suggest doing a root canal, but since I am he did a root canal. Pre-emptive strike, I like it.

Every I know has told me that a root canals are horrible, but I really didn't feel anything because 1) my tooth did not have a cavity in it, it was just dieing 2) My dentist shot me with Novocaine like 4 or 5 times AND gave me laughing gas which was a lot of fun. He finished the whole thing like in one hour. My jaw hurts more than tooth, but I still am taking some pain killers and anti-biotics. That was my morning. I just didn't want to have some Peruvian dentist pull my tooth out.


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