Monday, May 26, 2008


Indiana Jones visits Cusco, Nazca, and Iquitos in the new 'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.' We've been there! Awesome.

Melissa and I have also made offers on two houses we saw today, we'll see if either of the owners bite. Either one would be great, they're single family homes with lots of room to grow and plenty of yard space.

We have both been sick with some kind of stomach bug all week.

Speaking of sick, Melissa has another appointment with her allergist on Friday, where she's going to take some ibuprofen and run up and down stairs to see if that's what triggers her anaphylaxis. Good news is that if that what does it, she's in the clear, if not we get to keep try to get the reaction and staying away from activities and locations that previously caused said anaphylaxis.

That's all for now.

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