Monday, June 11, 2007

Hmm.... Is there something in the water?

Wow, two couples at our church are now pregnant literally within two weeks apart. One couple has been married for a couple years and the other not even a year. It seems like everyone that I know has the pregnant bug or already has babies. Per my Hispanic side, I should have three kids by now, but I don’t. All of my Hispanic friends are very surprised that I’m not pregnant yet. I’m just happy being married to Jesse and being with our annoying little dog.

By the way, we are building Rocky the coolest dog house ever; it even has a small deck and columns. We spent all weekend building it. Pictures will soon follow. Rocky doesn’t know how lucky he is.


Mark said...

Jeanine isn't pregnant. Three would have been nice. Oh well, next life

Anonymous said...

Mikey G says... ha ha, my mother wouldn't approve. She says fine quality people ought to be having more not less kids. I avoid that conversation by not being married! Which ironically my mother has no problem with.