Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tourist Visas

Janette got denied her tourist visa on Monday, the reason given being that she didn't make enough money. Melissa and I filled out Affidavit's of Support, got them officially notarized and everything, declaring that the visiting alien would not become a drain on the system while she was up here and staying with us, specifically so that wouldn't be an issue.

Anyway, with a few exceptions (notably Europe) everyone who wants to come to the US on a tourist visa has to pass an interview and overcome an assumption that they will immigrate, just stay here once they get here. That's reasonable, given our situation as the most kick-ass nation on earth, but it's crazy that they'd keep visitors out specifically because they won't enforce their own rules. If it were more difficult for companies to hire illegals and harder for illegals to find work, then it would be easier to bring in visitors, legitimate visitors, without the fear that they'd stay. That makes sense all the way around, except that our salad might be more expensive.

I'd like to rant and rave, but I know that people have limited attention spans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael G says... another possibility would be if we made it easier for laborers to come here leagally. I have seen the difference between American born bussers and Mexican born bussers and it does not make our nation look good.