Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Paranormal State

While getting ready for a wedding on saturday Melissa and I watched a show on A&E called Paranormal State. It's a reality show about paranormal investigators from Penn State. It was interesting, so we watched it. The episode we watched focused on a mom and daughter in Maine who were being haunted / harassed, by some animal-human spirit. They brought in some native american shamans and a psychic medium named Chip Coffee. Anyway, apparently some tree had been cut down on the property and a spiritual vortex was opened and that's where this thing was coming from (according to the shaman and his tribal elder). So they burned an eagle feather and did some chants to fix the problem, but it didn't work.

The episode ended when the psychic guy told the mom: "Here's what you have to do - say 'In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, get out of my house.'"

That's what the mom did and everything was made right, there was no more 'presence' felt by the psychic or the residents of the house.

I'll have to watch some more and see if Jesus is the answer to every problem or just some of them.

1 comment:

Ricky said...

I've watched that show, and the episode I watched was religious themed as well. They brought in a priest and everything. To a trailer park, where you guessed it, the people being haunted weighed as much as that Saab you used to drive.