Thursday, October 06, 2005


I hate having stress dreams, period. Especially about my wedding. I stress about almost anything. Jesse told my mom to drug me up the night before our wedding so I could sleep.


Marla Bean said...

You may not need the drugs. I promise not to do the whole "at my wedding, I..." thing, because it's annoying. I hated it, too. But I'm going to break my own rule- briefly. I prayed and prayed and prayed that I would be able to relax and enjoy the day. On the morning of our wedding, I was sitting in a chair with my feet propped on a window sil. I was calm and collected - dare I say serene? However, my frazzeled mother came up to me and asked if I was on drugs because I was "too calm." Nope. I was doped on on the power of Christ. I pray that you will be, too - now and through the wedding.

Jesse and Melissa said...

Everybody, feel free to do the 'at my wedding' thing here at the site, that's part of it's purpose. We appreciate any and all input, particularly from those who have recently been married.

Jesse and Melissa said...

Thanks Marla. I like hearing wedding stories, so go right ahead. I'm going to make sure I run the day before I get married, because I'm always very tired and sleepy after I run. Makes me sleep better too.