Friday, January 04, 2008

CNN Radio

CNN does the news updates for the talk station I listen to in the morning, yesterday they capped off a two minute hourly update with:

"...and Pat Robertson has weighed in on the new year, saying that God told him 2008 will be filled with global conflict, and there will be a recession."

...what? That's not news. Why not just say: "...and Bill, from Washburn, North Dakota, has said that his dog told him that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west."


Anonymous said...

Bill doesn't have a dog. He has two hamsters and a goldfish. That's why they wouldn't say that.


Mark said...

what talk show is that? I have actually started dumping stocks because I believe that the liklihood of a Democrat getting into the White House is very good, a nightmare scenario. If that happens, they will most likely raise the capital gain taxes, get rid of the Bush tax cuts, socialize health care, and enter carbon tax for the global warming scam - this at a time when the country is on the verge of a recession due to the subprime debacle, the oil crisis, the huge deficit, and the devaluation of the dollar. The government could avoid a recession if it did what was best for the country instead of what was politically expedient for their own political careers. I hope I am wrong, but I see that we are headed towards the socialism of Europe and the populism of Latin America.

See the quote I use by John Bogel in my signature, the founder of Vanguard funds.


"I see the quality and caliber of our presidential nominees, and I am not impressed. It raises the question of whether this country is even able to run itself anymore."

John Bogel - Founder of Vanguard Funds