Monday, January 23, 2006


Invitations to everyone in the state of California won't go out for another week or so, but we assembled nearly all of them in 11 grueling hours on Saturday. We printed the invitations, response cards, directions, hotel and travel information, cut everything up, assembled it, stamped them and addressed them. It took a while and I think we escaped pretty mistake free, but if you receive a Spanish invitation, or directions, we apologize.

So really all we still need to make are our table settings, glasses, favors and flowers. Most of that has been outsourced, but holy cow weddings are a lot of work.

I don't really want to complain the whole post, it was fun, just tiring, we're having a great time. There was a Mythbusters marathon on for most of the day and it turns out that talking on your cell phone while you drive is as dangerous, or perhaps more dangerous, than driving while drunk. I still don't believe it.

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